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How Safety Trainers Can Utilize Online Training

Safety And Health Misconceptions

Being a safety trainer is no easy feat. Completing in-depth training, staying up-to-date on ever-changing OSHA standards and regulations, and keeping students engaged in the course material just scratches the surface of what you do to be an exceptional trainer.

We love meeting safety trainers in the field and getting to know your stories. This brief Q&A highlights some of the most common questions we hear from in-house trainers who want to know how online training can be a useful tool in their training arsenal.

Q: I am a trainer. Why would I ever need to utilize online training?

A: We value the work you do as a classroom trainer, and simply strive to be your partner in safety training when the opportunity is right for you. If you need to get a student trained quickly, or perhaps you don't have enough students for a full class, online safety training is a budget-friendly alternative to help you meet your training goals and deadlines. Think of us as a gap-filler — when your training circumstances are less than ideal, we're here for you.

Q: How can I incorporate online training into my own curriculum?

A: Online training can provide your students with a thorough baseline of training that can serve a couple of different scenarios: it can be a precursor to your course that gives students a solid foundation of the material, it can support your own course curriculum and provide supplemental material, or both! The data and information captured in our reporting portal can be used to reemphasize course material in the classroom and foster group discussions about topics that may require more in-depth coverage from you, the trainer.

Q: How can I monitor my students' progress in the course?

A: With our student tracking tools, you'll always be able to monitor how your students are progressing throughout the course by logging in to our reporting portal. Here you'll find 24/7 access to your students' grades, dates and times spent working in the course, questions missed on quizzes and a printable certificate of completion after the student passes the course.

Q: Are you OSHA-Authorized?

A: Yes. We are an OSHA-authorized provider of 10- and 30-Hour Outreach courses. We work in partnership with higher institutions and government regulators and provide students with a Department of Labor OSHA card upon completion of the course.

Q: So, what about pricing?

A: Our bulk pricing is structured to accommodate trainers who use online training for a variety of purposes with varying class sizes. As the number of students increases, your cost decreases. We offer affordable pricing for individual students and large class sizes.

If you have questions about online safety training and how it can support your training program, please contact a Safety Specialist by emailing or calling 1-866-481-7541.